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Showing posts from August, 2020

IMB says if drastic measures not adopted then polio could be worse in six months

Report says Pakistan is at risk of wild poliovirus cases reaching 500 by end of 2020 and vaccine-derived poliovirus cases reaching 1,000 from The News International - Health

WHO to declare Africa polio-free today

Polio was endemic around world until vaccine was found in 1950s, though it remained out of reach for many poorer countries from The News International - Health

COVID-19: WHO advises masks for children over 12

UNICEF, WHO convened a group of experts to review limited data available on children's contribution to spread of COVID-19 from The News International - Health

Diabetic patients may find ray of hope in stem cell treatment

WHO says around 422 million people worldwide were living with diabetes by 2014 from The News International - Health

New research finds cancer-boosting culprit that multiplies with age

Metastasising cells reveal a high level of methylmalonic acid, a metabolic byproduct that seems to accumulate as we get older from The News International - Health

Researchers call for other COVID-19 measures with 'test and trace'

Researchers says results show that test and trace can help reduce R number but needs to be done effectively and quickly from The News International - Health

DRAP gives approval to NIH for Phase III clinical trial of coronavirus vaccine

NIH Islamabad Executive Director Maj Gen Ikram will be the principal investigator of coronavirus vaccine's trials from The News International - Health

WHO to give stamp of approval to Russian after reviewing vaccine safety data

Russia's Sputnik V vaccine has been developed by Gamaleya research institute in coordination with country's defence ministry from The News International - Health

Scientists probe poorly-understood immune mechanism to help efforts to contain coronavirus

Scientists wonder if the ghosts of an individual's previous colds help protect them from COVID-19? from The News International - Health

Russia aims to produce 'several million' virus doses per month by next year

Gamaleya's vaccine is a so-called viral vector vaccine, meaning it employs another virus to carry the DNA encoding of the needed immune response into cells from The News International - Health

WHO says COVID-19 impact will be felt for decades to come

'WHO continues to assess the global risk level of COVID-19 to be very high' from The News International - Health