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Showing posts from May, 2020

Treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine showed no benefit: research

Dozens of scientists have raised concerns over a large-scale study of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine that led to WHO suspending clinical trials of the anti-viral drugs as a potential treatment for COVID-19 from The News International - Health

New guidelines for burial of bodies infected with coronavirus issued

Guidelines provide a standard protocol based on WHO guidelines to prevent transmission of coronavirus from The News International - Health

10% of diabetics die within days of coronavirus hospitalisation: study

Two-thirds of the patients were men, and the average age across both sexes was 70, says the study from The News International - Health

France says doctors can no longer treat COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine

Urgency of coronavirus outbreak has prompted some doctors to prescribe the drug despite a lack of research from The News International - Health

Remdesivir effective against coronavirus, study finds

The study found that remdesivir, injected intravenously daily for 10 days, accelerated the recovery of hospitalised COVID-19 patients from The News International - Health

Can coronavirus be transmitted through an air conditioner?

Health experts suggest that the chances of contracting coronavirus through A/C ducts is close to zero from The News International - Health

Monkeys develop COVID-19 immunity after infection, new studies show

Studies were carried out on rhesus macaque monkeys to see whether they develop protective virus immunity from natural infection or from a vaccine from The News International - Health

Johnson & Johnson to stop sales of talc-based baby powder in US, Canada

The company has long denied claims that the talc powder it uses contains cancer-causing asbestos from The News International - Health

Top US health official calls for country's coronavirus vaccine to be shared with the world

'Certainly if we had a vaccine that works, I would want to be sure as quickly as possible, it is available there (Africa) and in South America — look at Brazil right now,' says Francis Collins from The News International - Health

Coronavirus: WHO chief Tedros in the eye of the storm

He finds himself at the heart of global efforts to rein in the novel coronavirus, which has now killed more than 300,000 people and infected close to five million from The News International - Health

Spraying disinfectants can be 'harmful', says WHO

WHO says streets and pavements are not considered as 'reservoirs of infection' of COVID-19 from The News International - Health

Worrying surge in childhood disease linked to COVID-19

Europe has seen some 230 suspected cases of so-called paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS) in children up to 14 years old from The News International - Health

'No benefit' in hydroxychloroquine virus treatment: two studies

Several subsequent studies — including one funded by the US government — appear to have doused hopes that HCQ can help patients hospitalised with COVID-19 from The News International - Health

COVID-19 infection increasing among dialysis, transplant, and cancer patients: SIUT

'To date, 41 dialysis patients are under treatment for COVID-19 and at least two patients are being diagnosed daily,' says SIUT from The News International - Health

European Medicines Agency says COVID-19 vaccine might be ready in a year

The agency was however 'a bit sceptical' about reports that a vaccine could be ready as soon as September from The News International - Health

Coronavirus: First successful trial of passive immunisation therapy reported in Sindh

Hematologist Dr Tahir Shamsi says first patient to recover from coronavirus by passive immunisation therapy sent home from The News International - Health

Anti-viral drug trio found to shorten COVID-19 illness in mild cases: study

Authors of the study, published in the Lancet on Friday, described the findings as "early but important" from The News International - Health

As coronavirus steals medics' attentions, millions of others at risk from known diseases

Other infectious diseases continue to kill millions of humans, many of them children, as world is focused on coronavirus from The News International - Health

These four factors will help you understand coronavirus graphs better

Most of these visualisations are used by statisticians and policymakers who are aware of systematic shortcomings from The News International - Health

Getz Pharma set to disinfect thousands of health facilities, screen over 25,000 doctors

'Getz Pharma will regularly be disinfecting these venues for the next six months,' says the company from The News International - Health

Dutch researchers find 'promising' virus-fighting antibody

One of the antibodies stopped both pathogens from infecting cells from The News International - Health